Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The appeal of "The King's Speech"

With the Oscar season upon us, critics are trying to read a public/nation/culture's psyche through the films that they love. Jonathan Freedland ( reveals his own ambivalence toward his British heritage in his reading of "The King's Speech" as a study in reverence for class and British Royalty. Have a look at his interesting analysis of the film, and of those who like it.


  1. Wow. Jonathon from the Guardian. Amazing take on The King's speech.
    He was evocative and confidently prying between the lines and veils of the film to pry out political and socio-cultural post-war intentions. An impressive and truly insightful piece that was written with flair and on earnest grounds.


    What really intrigued me was really the comments people made!
    Take a look and judge for yourself, the amount perspectives offered:

    The good:

    18 January 2011 9:11PM
    I'm torn on the Second World War. Part of me knows we must 'never forget', and another part would really, really like for us to get over it. The more we highlight so-called glories of the past, the more the present seems pathetic.

    The bad:

    18 January 2011 9:16PM
    Stop being such a dullard Jonathan, not everything in life is trying to make a political statement or address class inequality. Sometimes a good film is just that. A good film.

    And the ugly, or should I say horrifying?:

    18 January 2011 9:56PM
    Yep - an 80 odd year old lady, who most of us have never met.
    That really is all there is to Britain.

  2. You're right, Durwin, those comments can be most insightful. They're also a scary reminder of how people lose their inhibitions when commenting in cyberspace. Ouch!

  3. Oh dear, the allure of The King Speech is getting stronger each time I see another Positive review on this beautifully directed film!
    Watching the film has boiled down to a matter of when instead of why!
